Social Services

Serving both Rio Grande and Mineral Counties


Everyone in the community plays a role in the prevention of child abuse and neglect.

Colorado has one toll-free phone number to report child abuse and neglect 24/7, 365 days a year. 

Please call the Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at

1-844-CO-4-KIDS (1-844-264-5437)




Office Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

Closed on all federal holidays

1015 6th Street

P.O. Box 40

Del Norte, CO 81132

Phone: 719-657-3381

Fax: 719-657-2997 or 719-657-4013




Social Services Manager

Greg Parra


Child & Adult Protection

All child abuse and neglect concerns should be reported to the Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline 1-844-CO4-KIDS.

If you still have concerns regarding the child protection services you may contact the Office of the Child Protection Ombudsman at 720.625.8640 or through their website: https://www.coloradocpo.org/.

You can also contact the Colorado Division of Child Welfare at 303.866.3275 or through their website: https://cdhs.colorado.gov/contact-cdhs.

To appeal a finding, please contact the Child and Adult Mistreatment Dispute Review Section CAMDRS at 303.866.4546.


Social Services Manager

Greg Parra


Caseworker Supervisor

Jeremy Meder


Public Assistance Programs

Office Manager

Isabel Martinez



Eligibility Supervisor

Sherryl Slane


Employment Benefits Supervisor

Jessica Sierra


Quality Assurance Investigator

Michaela Estrada


FREE help in applying for the PTC Rebate:

Colorado Department of Revenue – (303) 238-7378

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) – (800) 906-9887

Dial 2-1-1 (free call) to find a tax site near you.

Child Support Services

Child Support Supervisor

Ramona Sanchez
